Mobile App
Dec, 2023
The platform also embraces the community by allowing users to participate in the authentication of vintage t-shirts. Users can upload pictures and provide essential data about each vintage t-shirt they wish to authenticate. Once the information is submitted, experts will review and authenticate the t-shirt based on the provided details. Additionally, artificial intelligence will replicate the expertise of professionals in the field, which will enhance the accuracy and efficiency of the authentication process. Furthermore, t-shirts that have been authenticated will be minted as NFTs, ensuring their uniqueness and verifiable ownership.
The platform utilizes NFTs to effectively track and verify the authenticity of each vintage t-shirt, ensuring that users can trust the provenance of their items. An expert authentication network has been established, allowing specialists in the field to authenticate t-shirts based on their extensive knowledge and experience. Additionally, a functional computer vision model has been developed to replicate the expertise of professionals, enhancing the accuracy of the authentication process. Furthermore, the platform has successfully fostered a vibrant community of 30,000 users who actively engage in the authentication process and share their insights.
The project was completed after 8 month.
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