Directory & Product Information AI Chatbot

Atlas Copco

January, 2023

Client and The Problem

Atlas Copco sought seamless access to product insights and efficient inter-headquarters communication. Our task was to unify these needs into an innovative solution.


Comprehensive Insights: Our AI chatbot is a robust product information hub, offering users instant access to accurate details and technical specifications.

Effortless Connectivity: Doubling as a directory, the chatbot efficiently connects users to the right personnel across diverse headquarters.


Empowered Customers: Instant information access empowers customers, driving informed choices and higher satisfaction.

Streamlined Communication: The chatbot's swift connections enhance inter-headquarters communication, reducing delays and fostering collaboration.

Efficiency Gains: Atlas Copco witnesses significant time and resource savings through the self-service chatbot platform.

The project was completed after 3 months.

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Get in Touch

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You will be speaking with product and tech experts on your consultation call.

We turn your problems into reliable and scalable solutions.